Choose Wisely – Diesel Or Petrol?
The best way to save money on fuel is to purchase a car that requires none at all. And while electric cars are soaring in popularity at the moment, their often-high purchase prices and required charging infrastructure means that consumers will still usually be choosing between petrol and diesel powered vehicles.
There are a number of financial benefits to both diesel and petrol cars. Before making your choice, it’s important to consider both options and see what suits you best.
Benefits of Diesel Cars
Perhaps the biggest advantage of diesel cars is the performance they offer. If you’re someone that regularly uses a car to drive long distances on a frequent basis, a diesel car is the best option.
Despite having a reputation for being loud, diesel cars actually have lower revs than their petrol equivalents. The higher the number of revs, the less fuel efficient a vehicle is, so these lower revs mean you can save money when it comes to your car’s fuel.
While diesel may be slightly more expensive than petrol at the pumps, this fuel efficiency also means you’ll be able to drive longer distances without having to fill up.
From an environmental perspective, diesel does have some advantages over petrol, too. Carbon dioxide, CO2, is one of the most harmful substances that is contributing to global warming. You might be surprised to learn that diesel cars actually produce less CO2 than petrol cars. Of course, this all depends on the specific vehicle involved, but in general, this has proved to be the case.
Benefits of Petrol Cars
When buying a car, whether new or second hand, the initial purchase price is going to be one of your biggest concerns.
When it comes to choosing between petrol and diesel, it is petrol that is usually the cheaper of the two when buying outright. This is because they’re made up of cheaper components than diesel vehicles, making them a great choice if you’re looking to cut costs.
In addition to this, insurance is usually cheaper for petrol cars, although it’s important to note this will vary from vehicle to vehicle.
When it comes to filling up, petrol is also cheaper than diesel at the pump. So, if you’re someone who uses your car for day-to-day tasks and carrying out errands around town, petrol is likely the way to go.
As mentioned above, while diesel releases less CO2 than petrol vehicles, diesel cars also release a whole host of other harmful chemicals. This means that overall, petrol cars remain better for the environment.
The Windscreen Company works across the West Midlands and the South East. We can provide leading windscreen repairs or replacement services to vehicles of every make and model. To find out more, contact us at The Windscreen Company today.