Young Drivers to Switch to EVs in the Next Decade

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Young Drivers to Switch to EVs in the Next Decade

New research has shown that the majority of young drivers intend to switch to an electric vehicle (EV) within the next decade, signalling a long-held belief that it’s younger people who are society’s most climate-conscious demographic. 

Climate change is an issue that affects all of us, although it’s widely believed that it’s the younger generation that cares about it most.  

This view has been further reinforced following a study by Forbes that discovered 50% of Gen Z (those born between 1997-2012) consciously reduce how much they buy for sustainability reasons and 45% will not shop with certain brands due to environmental and ethical concerns. 

This clearly demonstrates the importance of the issue to this demographic, so it perhaps comes as no surprise that it is younger drivers who look more likely to make the switch to EVs in the coming years.

In this article, the team at The Windscreen Company will take a closer look at this phenomenon, and explain everything you need to know about the current EV market. 

Young drivers to switch to EVs in the next decade 

According to new research from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), more than half of young drivers consider themselves ‘likely’ to make a switch to EVs within the next decade. 

52% of 16-29 year olds stated they are either likely or very likely to make the switch with 54% of 30-49 year olds saying the same. This means that the majority of drivers aged between 16-49 are likely to make the change, with only those aged 50 and above showing resistance. 

drivers aged between 16 and 49 are likely to switch to an all-electric vehicle

As well as environmental concerns, many people will be looking to make the switch ahead of the UK’s 2035 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles. 

If these figures do become reality, they’ll also go a long way to help the UK’s long-term goal of being Net Zero by 2050. Simply put, Net Zero refers to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, and seeing as transport pollution makes up almost 30% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, switching to EVs is the best way to reduce this. 

However, despite their best intentions, the cost of an EV still remains the biggest stumbling block for young drivers. On average, a new EV costs around £50,000 and even the cheaper models are unlikely to dip below £20,000. And with the second-hand market still in its infancy for EVs, it’s no surprise that cost is a concern. 

This could be set to change, however, with clean energy company RMI predicting that the cost of batteries to halve in the next decade which could make EVs a similar price to fuel vehicles by the time of the 2035 ban.  

 The UK charging network is forecast to grow 

The perceived lack of EV charging infrastructure in the UK is often another reason people decide against purchasing an electric car.

However, the charging network has grown exponentially since 2015 when the first chargers were installed. As of 2023, there were 35,559 non-rapid chargers and 8,461 rapid or ultra-rapid chargers in public places across the UK, most commonly these chargers can be found at motorway service stations. 

While this is a vast improvement of what has gone before, there is still a long way to go and by the UK government’s own metrics, the infrastructure is behind schedule. The government had previously stated that by 2023 four in ten motorway services should have had six or more rapid chargers installed. However, this target was missed.


No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, now or in the future, The Windscreen Company is here to keep you safe when out on the roads. We provide a leading windscreen replacement and windscreen repair offering to customers in the West Midlands and South East, and can carry out a high standard of work on models of every type. To find out more about the road to 2035 or to receive a free quote for your vehicle, contact our team today.  

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