What To Do If Your Windscreen Is Chipped by Another Vehicle?

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What To Do If Your Windscreen Is Chipped by Another Vehicle?

Suffering a windscreen chip can be incredibly frustrating, especially if it causes significant damage that means you lose access to your vehicle.

In most cases, a chip is caused when stones, gravel or debris from the road is flicked onto your windscreen at high speeds. Usually, this will be as a result of another vehicle – one in front of you or passing in the opposite direction. 

Damage caused by another vehicle can make the situation even worse, but what should you do about it? 

In this article, The Windscreen Company team will outline what to do if your windscreen has been chipped by another vehicle. 

What to do if your windscreen is chipped by another vehicle


Who is liable for a windscreen chip caused by another vehicle?

While it can be extremely frustrating to suffer windscreen damage as a result of another vehicle, especially if you deem them to have been driving irresponsibly, unfortunately, there is not much that can be done in terms of liability.

Typically, drivers are not held liable for chips to other car’s windscreens that have been unintentionally caused by debris. The only time where a claim may be possible is if negligence can be emphatically proven. If you have evidence, such as dash cam footage, of a driver driving dangerously and causing damage to your car then you may have a claim.

However, in most cases, it is an accident that is considered just one of the hazards of being a road user. 

If you suspect someone has been driving negligently, you should not confront them. Instead, contact the relevant authorities.  

What to do if your vehicle suffers a windscreen chip

If your car has suffered from windscreen damage like a chip from another driver, you should follow these steps:

Pull over immediately

Even if the damage seems minor, you should stop and pull over as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Assess the damage and take some photographs. These may be required for insurance purposes and can be helpful for repair companies.

Check whether your car is safe to continue driving. If your vision is obscured, you’ll need to seek immediate repairs. Fortunately, The Windscreen Company offers a 24/7 mobile service that can carry out windscreen repairs or replacements no matter where you’re located. 

Insurance considerations 

Review your insurance policy to check if windscreen damage is covered. Every policy is different, and while many comprehensive policies will include windscreen cover as standard, some third-party ones will not. 

Promptly contact your insurer to report the damage and make a claim if necessary. 

Arrange professional repairs 

Even a seemingly small chip needs to be addressed as soon as possible. 

A minor chip can soon expand into a more severe and costly crack if neglected, and in some circumstances may even be illegal. At The Windscreen Company, we’ll always ensure you get the best possible service, arranging convenient solutions that are tailored directly to you.

Additionally, we provide a fully mobile service, carrying out the work wherever you’re located. We’ll even carry out ADAS recalibration when necessary. 

If you’re located in the West Midlands or the South East, our expert team can be by your side to get you moving again as soon as possible. No matter what type of vehicle you drive, we’re here to help. Contact our team today for more. 


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The Windscreen Company, has over 20 years of experience in windscreen repair and replacement. Since 1998, they have been at the forefront of industry innovation, leveraging the latest technology to ensure customer safety and satisfaction.

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