The Importance of Keeping a Clear Windscreen

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The Importance of Keeping a Clear Windscreen

Your vehicle’s windscreen is one of its most important features, designed to keep you sheltered from the elements, help you maintain a clear view of the road and protect you in an accident. The widescreen forms an integral part of the shell of your vehicle, helping to maintain strength and stability, so it is essential that you keep it properly maintained – and this includes keeping it clean and always choosing a reputable company for repairs or replacements.

A clear view of the road ahead

Keeping your windscreen clean, both inside and out, will reduce glare and ensure you can see the road and any potential hazards clearly. Even if you think your windscreen is clear of dirt and dust, if you haven’t had it properly cleaned recently, chances are a grimy haze will have built up that may only be apparent when the sun is bright or low in the sky.

If you have a look around your windscreen, can you see a clear difference between the areas your windscreen wipers cover and the surrounding edge? If you can, then there is an obvious build-up of dirt from the road. If you wipe your hand across the inside of your screen, does it come away dirty? If yes, then you need to give it a good clean to restore a clear view. Be sure to use a specialist windscreen cleaning fluid though, as normal cleaning fluid can leave streaks and smudges which will affect your view.

A good set of wiper blades will help too. Most blades will last for about 2 years, depending on your regular driving conditions, but its good practice to have them changed every year at least, and more often if you use them a lot, drive in busy cities or off-road where the build-up will be more apparent. And remember, never use your wipers on a dry surface, as this will cause them to deteriorate more quickly, so keep your washer fluid topped up at all times.

Chips and cracks

A stone chip up to a diameter of 40mm can most likely be repaired quickly and easily – but it depends on the location on the screen. A clear resin will be injected into the chip to fill the gap and restore the integrity of the screen, and although the damage will still be visible, it will be much safer.

However, if the chip is in the ‘A Zone’, the chip would have to be smaller to allow a simple repair (up to about 10mm) as even a filled chip in the section of the screen can cause a distraction to the driver or impair vision.

Chips can quickly escalate into cracks. A sudden change of temperature, such as when you defrost your screen on a winter morning or a bump in the road, can cause the chip to grow. This is not only dangerous because it impairs your field of vision, but because a large crack can cause the windscreen to shatter – which can be fatal if you’re driving on a busy road!  The best thing to do is call in an expert as soon as you notice the chip and stay off the road until it is repaired.


For more information about keeping your windscreen in the best possible condition, simply get in touch with the team at The Windscreen Company. We have years of experience and a skilled team ready to assist you with any windscreen safety issues. We can help repair windscreens if they have a chip and replace windscreens if they have suffered major damage.

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The Windscreen Company, has over 20 years of experience in windscreen repair and replacement. Since 1998, they have been at the forefront of industry innovation, leveraging the latest technology to ensure customer safety and satisfaction.

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