Most Common Causes of a Cracked Windscreen

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Most Common Causes of a Cracked Windscreen

If your car’s windscreen has sustained damage, it should always be treated as an emergency. 

Even if a chip or scratch seems minor, it can get worse over time if neglected, which can be extremely dangerous. 

It may even be illegal if the damage impacts your vision of the road ahead. 

Not only is it important to address such damage as soon as possible, but understanding the most common causes of a cracked windscreen can sometimes help you avoid issues from occurring in the first place. 

In this article, The Windscreen Company will take a closer look at how windscreens can become cracked.

Common causes of cracked windscreen

Road debris 

One of the most common reasons a windscreen becomes cracked is as a result of road debris. 

Many roads are made up of rocks, stones, pebbles and gravel, and these pieces of debris may flick up and hit windscreens when you are driving. This is more likely to occur on old roads that are not well maintained or if you’re driving quickly. And while it can be tricky to avoid, lowering your speed when driving on roads that are prone to this debris can reduce the chances of suffering damage. 

As well as this, you can leave more of a gap to the car in front and reduce your speed if being overtaken. 

Bad weather 

Windscreens are more likely to crack when the weather conditions are bad. 

Rain and heavy wind can cause more debris to hit windscreens, and heavier elements such as tree branches may also come into contact with your car during severe weather. 

Furthermore, hailstones have also been known to cause windscreen cracks. While it can be hard to avoid travelling in bad weather conditions (especially in the UK), we’d recommend avoiding the roads if the weather is severe. 


Car accidents can be extremely dangerous and frightening and are one of the main reasons why windscreen cracks may occur. 

However, it doesn’t have to be a crash with other vehicles. Colliding with animals, inanimate objects (like bollards or lampposts), or – in the worst case scenario – a pedestrian can also crack windscreens. 

While collisions may be beyond your control, make sure you’re fully aware of your surroundings and always driving within the speed limit to minimise the risk. 

Dramatic changes in temperature

Sudden and rapid changes in temperature can also cause windscreens to crack. 

Often, these temperature changes may occur as a result of human error.

For instance, people may consider tipping boiling water from a kettle onto a frosted windscreen during wintertime. However, this must never be done, as the rapid increase in temperature could crack the windscreen. 

Furthermore, leaving a car sitting in direct sunlight or quickly blasting air conditioning can also cause dramatic temperature changes which may cause cracks. 

No matter whether your windscreen has suffered from a significant crack or just has minor damage, the team here at The Windscreen Company is on hand to provide you with leading windscreen services, including windscreen repairs or replacements. We regularly support customers across the West Midlands and the South East, so get in touch today to receive your free quote. 


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The Windscreen Company, has over 20 years of experience in windscreen repair and replacement. Since 1998, they have been at the forefront of industry innovation, leveraging the latest technology to ensure customer safety and satisfaction.

The Windscreen Company's, help-and-advice pages offer valuable tips and guidance on maintaining vehicle safety through quality windscreen care, while also featuring updated industry realted content.

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