Do Car Windscreen Covers Work?

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Do Car Windscreen Covers Work?

During the winter months, when the overnight temperatures can plummet to freezing levels, many people reach for a car windscreen cover to prevent snow or ice from forming. 

This preventative measure is designed to stop people from having to deal with the hassle of scraping their car’s windscreen in the mornings, saving time and keeping windscreens protected.

But do car windscreen covers actually work? 

Frozen Car Windscreen

In this article, the team here at The Windscreen Company will take a closer look at car windscreen covers, examine how they work and provide you with some great tips to keep your windscreen clear this winter. 

Do car windscreen covers work?

Car windscreen covers are often used to protect windscreens from snow, ice and even the sun’s harmful UV rays. 

But do they actually work?

The answer to this question really depends on what you want to achieve. If you’re looking for ways to prevent ice or snow from initially forming on your car’s windscreen overnight, then windscreen covers are a great solution. They provide your windscreen with a barrier from these cold weather elements, meaning any snow and ice will form on the cover rather than on your glass. 

This can help prevent the need for scraping, but it does not guarantee protection against all cold weather problems.

For example, if your windscreen has an existing chip or crack that you haven’t yet had repaired, the cold weather can cause the glass to contract and potentially make this issue worse. This is why all windscreen damage should be repaired as quickly as possible.  

Furthermore, if snow or ice has built up on the windscreen cover over a period of time, the weight can cause the windscreen to break.    

Can snow and ice damage a windscreen?

Other than removing the inconvenience of having to stand in the cold and scrape clear your windscreen on a frosty morning, is there any other reason why windscreen covers are sometimes used?

Well, you might be surprised to learn that snow and ice, under certain circumstances, can actually cause significant damage to a windscreen that covers may help you to avoid.

While the use of scrapers to remove snow or ice is common, these devices have been known to cause scratches or even chips on windscreens. This is particularly the case if you’re exerting a lot of pressure on the screen as you scrape it. Once a chip or scratch has occurred, it needs to be repaired right away, otherwise it could turn into a worse problem, such as a crack, and this is all the more likely in cold temperatures. 

Another problem is that an icy windscreen can crack if the temperature begins to quickly change, meaning that any ice on the windscreen can potentially be a threat. 

So, while they aren’t foolproof, using windscreen covers to avoid snow and ice from forming in the first place is worthwhile.   

Tips to keep your windscreen clear this winter 

We’ve already discussed the benefits of using windscreen covers, but there are several other things you can do to ensure your windscreen remains clear this winter. 

  • Use de-icer in advance 

While many people will turn to the de-icer to remove existing ice or snow, it can actually be used preventatively.   

Spraying your windscreen with de-icer the night before can actually help to prevent ice or snow from settling on it in the first place. 

  • Use a makeshift windscreen cover 

While you can purchase specialist windscreen covers, you don’t actually need to buy one that has been manufactured for this purpose.

If you can’t afford one or don’t have one to hand, using pieces of cardboard or even a blanket will do the same job. Just bear in mind that they might need to be properly secured – especially if it’s a windy night. 

  • Use white vinegar

Spreading some white vinegar across your windscreen is an innovative way to stop snow or ice from settling. And while it might sound odd, rubbing half an onion across the glass in the evening has also been known to have the same effect. 

  • Utilise your car’s heater 

Using your car’s heaters to clear windscreens and windows is another common method used to remove ice. While this technique is tried and trusted, it’s important to do so efficiently.

Do this by starting off with cold air, and slowly increasing the temperature. While you might be tempted to go with a full blast of hot air from the start, this can actually create steam which will fog up your windscreens even more. 

  • Never use boiling water 

Pouring a boiling kettle over a windscreen is a common sight in UK streets during the winter, but you should never do this.

The sudden change in temperature can cause the glass to crack, causing you a bigger problem than you started with.


Windscreen damage is more common during winter, and if your vehicle has sustained any then The Windscreen Company is here to help. For more than 25 years, we’ve provided windscreen services to all vehicle types, including a leading electric and hybrid car windscreen offering. Plus, our team is fully qualified at handling repairs to ADAS windscreens and can provide a recalibration service to ensure all your ADAS systems are fully functioning following any work. To find out more about what we do, contact our team today.

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The Windscreen Company, has over 20 years of experience in windscreen repair and replacement. Since 1998, they have been at the forefront of industry innovation, leveraging the latest technology to ensure customer safety and satisfaction.

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