A Guide to Heated Windscreens

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A Guide to Heated Windscreens

As the colder weather draws in and winter is almost upon us, many of us will need to spend time defrosting our car’s windscreens in the morning. 

A time-consuming and often frustrating process, this is not as much of a problem for drivers with heated windscreens.

In this article, The Windscreen Company team will take a closer look at heated windscreens with our comprehensive guide. 

A Guide To Heated Windscreens

What are heated windscreens?

Heated windscreens are a type of windscreen that uses embedded electrical wires to heat up the glass. During cold weather or when frost or condensation has formed on the windscreen, the heated system can be activated. The integrated wires will then heat up, melting the snow, frost or condensation and clearing the glass. This means the driver will not need to turn to other more strenuous methods like scraping. 

Heated windscreens can be incorporated into both the main windscreen and the car’s rear window. If you’re unsure whether your car has heated windscreens, take a close look at your glass. If you spot small wires inside the glass, it is likely the system is heated.  

What are the benefits of heated windscreens?

There are several benefits of heated windscreens.

These include: 

  • Faster defrosting and de-icing – One of the main advantages of heated windscreens is that they save you time defrosting and deicing your car’s glass. Most people only notice that their windscreen needs to be defrosted in the morning when they’re on the way to work or taking the kids to school. Manually defrosting a car can be time-consuming but heated windscreens rapidly melt snow, ice and frost, eliminating the need for long wait times. 
  • Enhanced visibility – Quickly removing ice or frost ensures the driver can enjoy clear visibility even during the most wintery conditions. As you’re driving, any rain or snow that lands on the glass will also be quickly eradicated and not allowed to settle. 
  • Prevents fogging – Fogging occurs when the interior windows mist up as a result of the cold temperature and moisture in the air. Heated windscreens can also help prevent this from happening, especially in rainy and humid conditions. 
  • Reduced wear on wipers – Using a heated windscreen reduces how often you need to use windscreen wipers. This limits the amount of wear they experience and can even increase their lifespan.   

While there are a range of advantages to heated windscreens, there are some notable drawbacks, too. 

For instance, even minor damage may prevent the entire heating system from working, it can sometimes be hard to source replacement heated windscreen glass and vehicles with heated windscreens are often more expensive than those that do not have this feature. 

Can heated windscreens be repaired?

Yes, heated windscreens can be repaired, but this will depend on the location and severity of the damage. 

Does your heated windscreen need repairing?
Get in Touch

In most cases, it is easier to replace the entire windscreen rather than try to repair the glass. This is especially true if the heated system or its wires have been damaged, as only replacing them will ensure the system continues to function. 

For more on how heated windscreens are repaired and replaced, check out our previous blog on the subject. 

At The Windscreen Company, our team is experienced in handling the repairs of all kinds of windscreens. No matter what type of car you drive, we’re here to help with leading replacements and repairs. Working across the West Midlands and South East, get in touch with our team today. 


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